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Breakthrough Cases

Meticulous and through work up of patients with pulmoanry hypertension, revealed an interesting and treatable cause of PH. An abnormal connection between the two vessels in the abdomen of the patient (Portal vein and Inferior venacava) was found in 7 of the patients who were previously labelled as Idiopahtic PAH. This was closed using device in 5 patients and surgery in 2 patients and has resulted in significant decrease in the lung artery pressures of these patients nearly curing them of these life threatening disease.

Creation of a connection between one of the lung arteries (Usually the left lung artery) and the body artery can help patients with severe pulmonary hypertension. Creating such a connection decreases the pressure on the right heart and thus helps it function better. We have done 19 such procedures till now with a very good success rate of more than 80%. Post the procedure most of the patients are now able to perform all their day to day activities on minimal medications. We have presented our data at various national and international conferences. Dr. Prashant Bobhate has received many awards for the same including one at the Annual European Pediatric Cardiac conference in Athens, annual conference of the Pediatric Cardiac Society of India and the Society of heart failure and transplant in Mumbai.

Prostacyclin analogues were one of the first medications to show to have mortality benefits, in patients with pulmonary hypertension. They were also the fist ones to be sanctioned by the US FDA for use in PAH. Unfortunately, these medications are still not marketed in India. Through our PH clinic we have devised a reliabel mechanism to help the patients with pulmonary hypertension, procure, and import prostacyclins. Due to our persistent efforts we now have 14 patients who are regulalry taking these medications with significant improvement in their functional capacity.